Dead Frontier Wiki

The 6 Permanent Outposts[]

When you are playing Dead Frontier, you are either in one of the major outposts, the Inner City (where the live action occurs), or inside of a Personal Outpost (PO) in the Inner City.

Each main outpost contains useful locations including:

  • Bank (Cash Storage)
  • Meeting Hall (Forums)
  • Gambling Den (Gambling Mini-Game)
  • Marketplace (Player-Trading)
  • Storage (Item Storage)
  • Records (Leaderboards)
  • Venditron (In-Game Vendor)
  • The Yard (Item Modification and Scrapping)
  • Arena (Dedicated PvP Arenas)
  • Clan HQ (Clan Management)
  • Arcade (Play DF1 Minigames)
  • Crafting (Interface to Craft Various Weapons/Armors/Implants/Clothing)
  • Fast-Travel (Instantaneous Transportation between Outposts)
  • Access to the Inner City.

Here is the list of the outposts available in the public 3D Version:

Outpost Structures[]


The human lust for violence never changes. Even with the collapse of civilization and the human race on the brink of extinction, there are some with a penchant for murder that cannot be satisfied by the undead. Thus, our leader created a place to contain these sadistic elements of post-apocalyptic society, which offers rewards that may even tempt more ethical survivors, as well as dedicated doctors for the losers.

Accessible from every outpost is a dedicated PvP arena where you can fight other players for fun, without needing to worry about maintenance costs for your character. When you die or leave the arena, your health and armor are restored back to their previous conditions from before you entered the Arena. You also do not lose cash, experience or Top Survivor score when you die.

The Arena is also tiered into 3 separate level groups: there is an arena for levels 1-15, 16-30, and finally, 31-325. Arena maps rotate between previously-determined areas or layouts.

Note: As of November 27, 2018, PvP in the Inner City no longer yields PvP points, making the Arena the exclusive source for PvP points.


What was once a warehouse for holding large machinery and service trucks, is now the most valued storage building in the area. Under constant and heavy guard, the Bank holds the hopes and dreams of every survivor as they struggle to survive in this post-apocalyptic economy.

The Bank allows players to safely store their cash but does not offer interest. Cash stored in the Bank will not be lost when you are killed in the Inner City (and all survivors inevitably WILL be killed, eventually). There is no penalty for excessive deposits or withdrawals. It is highly recommended that you deposit ALL cash before going into the Inner City. When you travel from one outpost to another, your bank balance will be automatically transferred to your new location.


Humans have always been highly competitive with one another. Not even a zombie apocalypse can put a damper on our competing spirit. So naturally, the local office's award wall was replaced with lists of survivors who have performed great feats or accomplished great tasks. And every week, our righteous leader rewards the worthy with access to his Storage of Supremacy where weapons and armor of Legend are rumored to reside.

In the record hall, players can see the current leaderboards for certain ongoing competitions between players or clans. Winners of the weekly competitions for Top Survivor, Top Player Killer and Top Looter receive a one-week invitation to use the Dusk Shops.

Meeting Hall[]

What is it that gives the survivors the strength and will to push on in their bleak situation? The answer is "community". It is our greatest asset against the shambling undead. We can organize, plan, and interact intelligently. Therefore a general forum was made out of the Holdout's enormous on-site cafeteria. Several bulletin boards are also scattered about the premises, and merchants are often seen selling their wares as you walk inside the building. This is one of the most active areas in the holdout, as it reminds survivors of what it was like to communicate and socialize before the outbreak.

Here you can:

  • Enter a forum
  • Search the forums
  • Filter your view of the forums
  • View general statistics regarding each forum or the forums, as a whole

It is recommended that players with queries and concerns ask questions in the "Questions & Assistance" section.

Posting in Questions & Assistance does not necessarily make the poster a newbie, so players should not feel ashamed to post their questions there.


Reinforced and rebuilt, the market was born through the collection of nearby office buildings and several small factory buildings. People are seen inside and outside of these buildings, selling things from food and medicine to assault rifles and grenade launchers. Due to no-longer existent weapon laws, players can sell nearly anything inside this gigantic complex, for nearly any price. Because there are no limits for what can be sold (the only exception being Dusk and outpost-owned equipment or resources) many aspiring entrepreneurs and profiteers are able to flourish in this new bazaar of sorts.

Players here can:

  • Buy items that other players sell
  • Sell items by posting them for sale
  • Trade with friends, privately

To buy, select "Buying". Press the arrows to choose a broad category of goods or type in the search bar to search for the particular item you want.

To sell, select "Selling". Drag your item from your Inventory to the "Selling" box and a pop-up window will appear, which you can enter a price into (or leave at the default value of $100). Be sure to double-check the price of the item on the Marketplace first, before you sell the item, or else you may sell the item lower or higher than the current market price (and lose potential money or the buyer may decline your offer, respectively).

In order to trade privately, you must first be in the same trade zone of the player(s) that you want to trade with (either the Outpost Zone shared by the 5 Inner City outposts, Camp Valcrest Zone, or the various Personal Outpost trade zones, see Map) . To begin the transaction, go to the player's profile and select the "Trade" option. You will then be directed to a private trading menu between you and that player, where you can view Incoming and Outgoing Offers from that player. Drag the item to the "Outgoing Offers" box and select a price in the pop-up window.

Note: The "Private" section of the Marketplace only allows you to view your Incoming/Outgoing Offers and will not allow you to initiate additional private transactions.

Trading is done at your own risk. If you are scammed or have an item otherwise stolen from you by another player, however, you can report the offence to a Global Moderator and, in most cases, that player will be banned. In order to protect players, the Dead Frontier community offers the services of approved "Middlemen" that act as intermediaries during transactions - the list of those players is provided, here.

Notice Board[]

"No Image Available"
This feature was only available in the 2D version of the game or has not yet been implemented in the 3D version.

A once-abandoned hall due to be demolished for health and safety reasons is now the center of employment for this haven's new working-class. Survivors come here to find jobs and tasks that can earn them some funds to survive, as well as give them precious experience killing the infected and looting for specific items inside the Inner City.

  • To accept a mission, simply select "Accept Mission" beside the mission you would like to attempt. It will appear in the "Outstanding Missions" menu below. You can have only three missions queued, simultaneously.
  • To cancel a mission, select "Cancel Mission" beside the mission that you would no longer like to attempt. Be warned, once you cancel a mission, it will disappear from your "Outstanding Missions" menu and you will not be able to re-select it.
  • The Notice Board refreshes daily, so if you complete (or cancel) all available missions, check the Notice Board once again, the following day.

Gambling Den[]

The Gambling Den is a simple, small hut outside of the Meeting Hall which previously served as the gardener's storage shack and is now the center of luck and pleasure...or failure and loss.

The new home to the old gardener who maintained the factory's huge yard (which now forms the majority of Nastya's Holdout). The old man is apparently a passionate card player, always available for a good game.

The main objective is to find the Queen among the two Jacks after the three cards are shuffled with their faces down.

If you are lucky, you may just guess correctly and receive a cash reward, which is double the cash you bet on the round. If it is not your lucky day, well then, just remember..."Never bet more than you can afford to lose".


A highly secured building along with a deep basement in the outpost for storing valuable loot and trading goods, which is secured and maintained by the outpost guards.

Because of the amount of free space currently available in the outposts, both new and old arrivals are allotted a select amount of space to store their objects. Initially, each survivor is given 5 storage slots, but they can also purchase additional slots in batches of 5 for varying one-time costs. In order to keep room for Fairview's ever growing population, a single survivor can only have up to 480 slots for their spare inventory.

The Yard[]

The final destination for things you just can't find an use for. Here, outpost scrap collectors and anonymous merchants will pay a small lump of cash for your leftover items, so they may refashion them into something more useful in the near future such as extra upgrades for your valued firearms. It might not be pretty, but it sure beats waiting for hours to sell them at the Marketplace.

This is where you go to change the color of your Armour/Clothing, Mastercraft (MC)/Godcraft (GC) your Weapons/Armors, and scrap/dismantle unwanted items.


Located next to The Yard, the newly-christened Venditron vending machine allows you to buy goods from the Outpost administrations themselves. Originally designed to resell items deemed too good to be left rotten in The Yard, the Venditron is also the official distribution channel for Secronom's new brand of experimental implants, designed to enhance survivors to a greater degree, and for a far lower cost than previous models.

The Venditron is an alternative to the Marketplace and the Credit Shop that allows player to purchase item directly from the game for in-game cash. Each outpost offers a fixed list of consumables, weapons, armors and implants relevant to the area, plus a small list of items that rotates daily. The price of most items may vary according to outpost, so you might get a discount by traveling to a different outpost to access its Venditron.


A small workshop, paid access only. Here, everyone is free to express their inner artist, from nailing a bunch of scrap metals to a baseball bat to create an "improved" version, to assembling a fancy locket made out of looted gems. A hotline to established craftsmen is also available in case you need help with dismantling things for materials, or crafting more sophisticated designs.

The Crafting menu allows you to craft various Weapons, Armors, Implants and Clothing articles using rare Crafting Materials that can be found in the Inner City, plus a large sum cash as crafting fee. It also includes the function to dismantle existing items for materials.

Fast Travel[]

The Fairview Public Armored Transportation Service (FPATS) is the culmination of years of cooperation among outposts to create a fast, safe and zombie-proof system for transporting supply, weaponry and people. It comprises of a fleet of up-armored vans and school buses, piloted only by those who are brave and crazy enough to crash through Titans at 60km/h while cruising through streets littered with broken vehicle and zombies. Tickets are not cheap though.

Fast Travel allows you to instantly move to any outpost that you have traveled to on foot beforehand. The fee for Fast Travel is approximately $5000 for each map square you would have traveled on foot.

Fast Travel is currently not available for Camp Valcrest.

Fast travel map


The Arcade hosts the Dead Frontier Nights series, a collection of 2D era single player Flash games recreated in Unity.

Inner City[]

The Inner City is where all the action takes place in Dead Frontier. The Inner City is where you venture out in the streets of Fairview to loot items and cash, and to fight the hordes of infected. It's a large area and it is important to remember that the farther you go out, the more likely it becomes to find better items and the more likely it is to be overwhelmed with the growing difficulty of infected.

Several buildings, establishments, and points of interest can be found scattered around the city. The buildings can be utilized by players to hold up and make their own personal outposts by the means of barricading .

The developers have been known to randomize the IC map from time to time, so all locations may not be up-to-date.

All items (24)
