Dead Frontier Wiki


  • If a hat has "Default" marked under available colors it cannot be dyed.
  • If a hat has "All" marked under available colors it means it can be dyed to any color in the game which is the following: White, Grey, Black, Brown, Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Cyan, Orange, Pink, Purple.


Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $5,050
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
Apprentice Dye Price: $26,000
Made from cloth, bandannas are wrapped around the head of a survivor above their brow and tied off. Not only does it look heroic, but it helps keeps sweat out of a survivor's eyes while gunning down the endless hordes that constantly besiege them. The extra cloth can be used to clean blood or sweat from areas around the neck and face. No M60-toting Rambo wannabe is complete without a red bandanna.

ItemCategoryIcon-LOOT  ItemCategoryIcon-CS
Baseball Helmet
Baseball Helmet
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap
The baseball helmet has been a familiar piece of equipment practically since the sport of baseball was born. Baseball helmets such as this one were typically fitted with a face cage to protect the umpire from getting injured by stray balls. While the infected are past caring how many strikes they get, this helmet is still favored by some as a sufficient measure of protection from the attacks of the undead.

Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $1,400
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap
Apprentice Dye Price: $16,000
A stylish cap, it is worn by both fashion conscious folk and members of the military when formal dress or combat dress is not required. It provides little protection, worn more for appearance.

ItemCategoryIcon-LOOT  ItemCategoryIcon-CS
Bio Helmet
Bio Helmet
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Mask

Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap
Like the Exterminator Reactive armour before it, the Bio Reactive armour is accompanied by a uniquely designed helmet. Equipped with a long-lasting rebreather filter for blocking out chemical vapors, as well as anti-fog lenses designed to withstand both bullets and the claws and teeth of the infected, the Bio Helmet is designated for survivors going up against the harshest of conditions.

  • List of event renames:
    • Ruby (Red) - DF1 16th Anniversary
ItemCategoryIcon-LOOT ItemCategoryIcon-GIFT
Bobble Hat
Bobble Hat
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $150
Dismantle: Cloth Scrap
Apprentice Dye Price: $11,000
Made from knit wool or cotton with a small pom on top, bobble hats are a simple head covering that keep a survivor's head and ears warm in most winter weather. They are common to find in the inner city and worn by many survivors just to keep warm.

Construction Helmet
Construction Helmet
Available Colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572
Construction helmets have long been used by builders and other individuals in the construction industry to protect their craniums from occasional falling objects. While it is unknown if this protection extends to the blows of an angry zombie, this hat will nevertheless gain at least some popularity with Fairview's surviving engineers.

Cowboy Hat
Cowboy Hat
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $6,100
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
Apprentice Dye Price: $28,500
Made popular by Hollywood movies, cowboy hats are worn by lawmen, desperadoes and simple folk alike. Worn to keep the sun out of the wearer's eyes while looking distinguished, many survivors like to strap on their literal cowboy hats and take the fight right to the infected. Running into the deepest part of the inner city, shooting, hollering and bringing back the law. If only there were horses to ride out into the sunset on after a good day of zombie killing. Yee-haw!

ItemCategoryIcon-LOOT  ItemCategoryIcon-CS
Crash Helmet
Crash Helmet
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $2,450
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap
Apprentice Dye Price: $21,000
Crash helmets were made to protect the head of bikers that cruised around the streets, pre-outbreak. Now, they still protect the head of the wearer, but not from sudden, high-speed stops, but the claws and teeth of ravenous zombies or the beaks of pesky crows. A flip-down, plastic visor helps keep blood splatter out of survivor's eyes.

Fireman Helmet
Fireman Helmet
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap
In the days before the outbreak, firefighters relied on these rugged helmets to protect their heads and faces from falling and/or burning debris while searching for civilians in the chaos of burning buildings. In the aftermath of the outbreak, firefighters and some other survivors continue to use this helmet to protect themselves from the infected in the fight for survival.

Flying Cap
Flying Cap
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
Originally worn by the aviators of the early 20th century, these caps have seen a revival in their popularity by survivors of the outbreak, who have found them to be very effective at keeping the head warm during the cold nights in Fairview.

Military Helmet
Military Helmet
Available colors: Desert Camo, Forest Camo, Urban Camo
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $675
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap
Apprentice Dye Price: $13,500
Forsaking warmth and some comfort, survivors wear military headgear to protect their craniums from stray or fragmentation, the occasional gnawing zombie, or from those annoying crows. Coming in a range of different camo patterns, none needed from an enemy that uses sight as much as smell to hunt you.

Officer's Cap
Officer's Cap
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
A common symbol of rank among officers in police forces and military branches, there are still some former officers of these old establishments who continue to bear these caps, as the mark of their former position.

Surgical Hat
Surgical Hat
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
These close-fitting caps, intended to prevent stray hairs from coming off a surgeon's head during an operation (for obvious reasons), continue to see use in the outposts. Surviving surgeons and other medically-trained individuals still wear these hats, in an attempt to adhere to the hygiene protocols of their trade as best as they can, given the circumstances.

ItemCategoryIcon-LOOT  ItemCategoryIcon-CS
Tin Helmet
Tin Helmet
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $1,888
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap
Apprentice Dye Price: $18,500
Found in military surplus stores, or made from scrap metal, Tin Helmets are simple "pot" helmets that are used to afford some head protection. It holds a great resemblance to the helmets used by many forces in World War II.

Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
Another piece of headwear originating from the Middle East, the turban has been found to be surprisingly useful in the inner city-- it helps keep the head cool during the more hot, sunny days in Fairview, and like the bandana, it can be used to wipe away the sweat, blood, and grime from one's face after a long day of fighting zombies or looting.

Winter Hat
Winter Hat
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $450
Dismantle: Cloth Scrap
Apprentice Dye Price: $11,000
Winter hats cover most of a person's head, keeping them cozy and warm. Thoroughly effective, they carried a negative stigma pre-outbreak times from movies and shows. Usually worn by heavily accented Americans or Canadians, they were viewed as goofy. When the outbreak came through and the first harsh winter hit the outposts, many people found themselves clamoring for anything to cover their heads. Even these "goofy" winter hats that they now have a new appreciation for, don't cha know, Eh?


Credit Shop[]

Cat Ears A
Cat Ears A
Available Colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.500c (GM 400c)
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
An accessory for people who want to cosplay as a cat person. Posession of cat ears in facilities dedicated to raising young survivors was made forbidden in 2030, after a freak accident in Nastya's Holdout High School left 2 student council members hospitalized for a day.

Release: April 11th, 2022      Furmageddon

Cat Ears B
Cat Ears B
Available Colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.500c (GM 400c)
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
An accessory for people who want to cosplay as a cat person. Cat ears are not welcomed in Camp Valcrest, with all visitors required to deposit them in security boxes before entering. No one know why, but some said that it reminds Val of a "time period she does not want to remember".

Release: April 11th, 2022      Furmageddon

Cat Ears C
Cat Ears C
Available Colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.500c (GM 400c)
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
An accessory for people who want to cosplay as a cat person. Rumor has it that the Secronom Bunker outpost employs a wing of deadly assassins for suppressing particularly dangerous zombie specimens, identified by their FM12 gas masks, dark orange armor and cat ears. Doctor Adler declines to comment on this.

Release: April 11th, 2022      Furmageddon

Hazmat Helmet
Hazmat Helmet
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.200c (GM 100c)
Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap
Hazmat disposal personnel once wore these helmets as part of full-body suits designed to seal out deadly chemicals and pathogens. While it is clear that the N4 virus is either non-contagious in an airborne state or isn't airborne at all, some survivors still choose to wear these helmets in the Inner City. At the very least, they afford the wearer some protection from spattering blood, gore, and the attacking zombies.

Potato Sack
Potato Sack
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.500c (GM 400c)
Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
A common theme of certain cinematic serial killers and chainsaw-wielding maniacs alike, this simple potato sack with a single eye-hole would allow its wearer's appearance to chill zombies to the bone if the undead could still experience fear.

Top Hat
Top Hat
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.30c (GM 20c)
Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap
Originating from the early 19th century, the stovepipe top hat has long been indicative of aristocracy and high society, even after the end of the Victorian Era. While it may seem an odd choice of fashion in the post-apocalyptic world, there are still some survivors who favor the top hat, whether for ironic humor or for their own personal reasons.

Release: April 3rd, 2015

 • Could be looted from "Easter Eggs" during the 2015 Easter Evisceration event.


Limited / Holiday Gifts / Unique[]

Riot Helmet (LE)This item could only be purchased for a limited amount of time from the Credit Shop.
Riot Helmet
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap
Once worn by police and SWAT teams as a measure of self-protection when dealing with rioters and dangerous fugitives, these helmets are ideal for protecting oneself from the weaker zombies roaming the streets.

Release: April 18th, 2014      Easter Eradication

 • Could be looted from "Easter Eggs" dropped by Egghead infected during the 2014 Easter event.

Cultist Hat
Cultist Hat
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $8,500

Release: April 2nd, 2021      Call of the Cult

 • Can be found by opening Elite Egg 2021 presents.

ItemCategoryIcon-GIFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Steelcase Helmet (LE)This item could only be purchased for a limited amount of time from the Credit Shop.
Steelcase Helmet
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.250c (GM 200c)
Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Rare Metal Scrap
And like the Steelcase Reactive armour itself, the Steel Case Helmet is designed for sturdiness above all else. The helmet is made from a tightly woven, steel chain-link mesh, with a bulletproof visor set in the front. The helmet also possesses a side-mounted halogen floodlight, for maintaining visibility even in dense fog.

Anniversary Hat 2021 (LE)This item could only be purchased for a limited amount of time from the Credit Shop.
Anniversary Hat 2021
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.2c (GM 1c)
Scrap Value: $9,572

Release: April 21st, 2021 - April 24th, 2021      Dead Frontier Anniversary 2021

 • Could be bought from the Credit Shop for 2 credits (1 for Gold Members).

ItemCategoryIcon-LE  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Heartbreaker Helmet (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Heartbreaker Helmet
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $8,500
Dismantle: Uncommon Metal Scrap

Released: April 11th, 2022      Furmageddon

 • Can be crafted by obtaining the materials from Easter Egg 2022 presents.

Requirements to craft:
‣ 1x Heartbreaker Blueprints
‣ 1x Heartbreaker Thread
‣ 1x Crash Helmet
‣ 4x Heartbreaker Leather

Crafting Cost: $1,500,000

ItemCategoryIcon-CRAFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Vigilante Hat
Vigilante Hat
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $8,500
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap

Release: April 7th, 2023      Vigilante Vengeance

 • Can be found by opening Elite Egg 2023 presents.

ItemCategoryIcon-GIFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Clown Mask (LE)This item could only be purchased for a limited amount of time from the Credit Shop.
Clown Mask
Available Colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Mask

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.500c (GM 400c)
Scrap Value: $9,572
For some children (and some adults), clowns are seen as bringers of laughter and merriment. For others, they are unnerving or downright horrifying. Survivors will have much success in spreading the "horrifying" perspective of clowns with this eerie mask. There was originally only one Clown Mask that was given to the winner of the Hat Competition. This item is a hat, even though it is referred to as a mask.

Release: October 15, 2013 - November 10th, 2013

 • Could be bought from the Credit Shop for 500 credits (400 for Gold Members).

Hunter's Hat (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Hunter's Hat
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $8,500
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap

Release: October 26th, 2020      Halloween Howling

 • Can be crafted by obtaining the materials from Trick or Treat 2020 presents, or craft the materials using Halloween Candy.

Requirements to craft:
‣ 1x Cowboy Hat
‣ 2x Werewolf Teeth
‣ 1x Werewolf Fur

Crafting Cost: $1,000,000

ItemCategoryIcon-CRAFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Scarecrow Head (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Scarecrow Head
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $8,500

Release: October 18th, 2021      Scourge of the Scarecrow

 • Can be crafted by obtaining the materials from Trick or Treat 2021 presents, or craft the materials using Halloween Candy.

Requirements to craft:
‣ 1x Burlap
‣ 2x Straw

Crafting Cost: $1,000,000

ItemCategoryIcon-CRAFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Bloody Scarecrow Head (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Bloody Scarecrow Head
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $8,500

Release: October 18th, 2021      Scourge of the Scarecrow

 • Can be crafted by obtaining the materials from Trick or Treat 2021 presents, or craft the materials using Halloween Candy.

Requirements to craft:
‣ 1x Burlap
‣ 2x Crow Feathers
‣ 2x Crow Blood

Crafting Cost: $2,000,000

ItemCategoryIcon-CRAFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Whitejack Head (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Whitejack Head
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $8,500

Release: October 21th, 2022      Tendrils of Terror

 • Can be crafted by obtaining the materials from Trick or Treat 2022 presents.

Requirements to craft:
‣ 10x Mysterious Charm
Crafting Cost: $1,500,000

Orangejack Head (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Orangejack Head
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $8,500

Release: October 21th, 2022      Tendrils of Terror

 • Can be crafted by obtaining the materials from Trick or Treat 2022 presents.

Requirements to craft:
‣ 15x Mysterious Charm
Crafting Cost: $2,000,000

Butcher Mask (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Butcher Mask
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $7,012

Release: October 20th, 2023      Symphony of Slaughter

 • Can be crafted by obtaining the materials from Trick or Treat 2023 presents.

Requirements to craft:
‣ 3x Pig Skin
‣ 2x Thread and Needle
‣ 5x Halloween Candy

Crafting Cost: $1,000,000

Bloodfiend Head (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Bloodfiend Head
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $7,012

Release: October 20th, 2023      Symphony of Slaughter

 • Can be crafted by obtaining the materials from Trick or Treat 2023 presents.

Requirements to craft:
‣ 1x Bloodfiend Heart
‣ 2x Bloodfiend Eye
‣ 2x Bloodfiend Blood
‣ 5x Halloween Candy

Crafting Cost: $1,000,000

Christmas Hat
Christmas Hat
Available Colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572
These iconic hats are well-known as a symbol of the holiday season. Although it is uncertain if Kris Kringle will still bring good survivors the gifts they hope for, these hats remain popular among survivors during the holidays.

  • Can be found by opening most seasonal Christmas presents.
Wendigo Skull (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Wendigo Skull
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Scrap Value: $8,500

Release: December 19th, 2020      Wail of the Wendigo

 • Can be crafted by obtaining the materials from Christmas Gift 2020 presents.

Requirements to craft:
‣ 5x Wendigo Blood
‣ 5x Wendigo Heart

Crafting Cost: $1,000,000

ItemCategoryIcon-CRAFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Festive Plague Hat
Festive Plague Hat
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572

Release: December 17th, 2021      Purge of the Plague

 • Can be found by opening Christmas Gift 2021 presents.

ItemCategoryIcon-GIFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Plague Seeker Hat
Plague Seeker Hat
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572

Release: December 17th, 2021      Purge of the Plague

 • Can be found by opening Christmas Gift 2021 presents.

ItemCategoryIcon-GIFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Festive Horns (Craft)This item can be acquired through the in-game crafting system.
Festive Horns
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $8,500

Release: December 15th, 2022      Fatman's Folly

 • Can be found by opening Christmas Stocking 2022 presents.

ItemCategoryIcon-GIFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
July 4th Hat (LE)This item could only be purchased for a limited amount of time from the Credit Shop.
July 4th Hat 2022
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.200c (GM 100c)
Scrap Value: $9,572
Dismantle: Rare Cloth Scrap

  • 2022 Version: July 1st, 2022 - July 10th, 2022      July 4th Celebration 2022
  • 2023 Version: June 30th, 2023 - July 10th, 2023      July 4th Celebration 2023

 • Could be bought from the Credit Shop for 200 credits (100 for Gold Members).

Dragon Head (LE)This item could only be purchased for a limited amount of time from the Credit Shop.
Dragon Head
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

Credit Price: The amount of credits required to purchase the item in the Credit Shop, if available. The value in brackets, if added, is the discounted price for Gold Members.350c (GM 250c)
Scrap Value: $9,572

Release: January 26th, 2023 - January 29th, 2023 ItemCategoryIcon-LE
Hemogothic Hat
Hemogothic Hat
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $9,572
Apprentice Dye Price: $30,500

Release: October 20th, 2023 - November 12th, 2023      Symphony of Slaughter ItemCategoryIcon-GIFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Golden Christmas Hat
Golden Christmas Hat
Available Colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $199,999

Release: December 8th, 2023      Frostbite Fever
  • Can be obtained from Christmas 2023 scavenger hunt.
Corsair Hat
Corsair Hat
Available colors: All
Cosmetic Slot: Hat

Scrap Value: $50,000
Apprentice Dye Price: $30,500

Release: August 9th, 2024      Nautical Nightmare ItemCategoryIcon-GIFT  ItemCategoryIcon-NT
Void Helmet (Unique)This item is unique and as such it can only be obtained in special ways and/or is non-transferable.
Void Helmet
Available colors: Default
Cosmetic Slot: Hat + Mask

A special mask designed for VOID members to withstand a punch from a titan and not be dented. Same can't be said for the user's face, however. This mask was given exclusively to members of VOID.